Soak Your Feet in Vinegar Once A Week To Treat 4 Conditions

With the hot weather here, it’s time to start enjoying it outdoors. This means hiking in the mountains, strolling in the sand on the beach and attending a variety of culinary activities and other outdoor events. The only thing all this has in common is that you will be outside in the heat and the hot weather can be unpleasant.

Hot temperatures cause perspiration. No matter what shoes you wear, your feet will sweat. Socks, tennis shoes, sandals and even products that absorb moisture cannot completely prevent your feet from sweating. When your feet are frequently wet, beware of warts and athlete’s foot.

Don’t worry if you have sweating problems on your feet, just take a little apple cider vinegar (IVC) and offer your feet a refreshing and healthy treat.
Soak Your Feet in Vinegar Once A Week To Treat 4 Conditions

Apple cider vinegar
This vinegar can be used for dozens of reasons related to your health and your home. It is known for its antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, which is why it is so commonly used for common diseases such as dandruff, candida, allergies and body odours.

It is easy to neglect your feet because you can hide them in shoes, unlike dandruff and body odours. However, using the MLV to detoxify your feet on a regular schedule can help you in several ways. It is also a quick and easy task.

1. MLV for tired and itchy feet
Standing up all day in tight shoes can cause pain, fatigue and itching in the feet. A good footbath can relieve your discomfort. Excellent foot care includes Epsom salt, MLV and sea salt. Mix all these ingredients in hot water. For a little more relaxation, add a little lavender to the mixture.

2. TBV for toenail fungus
Large yellow toenails are certainly not a phenomenon you would like to live with. The antifungal properties of this vinegar can help eliminate the fungus and restore the health of your toenails. Mix two volumes of water and one volume of MLV to create an antifungal foot bath and use it once a day for about 15 minutes.

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