Homemade Makeup Brush Cleaner


  • 1 cup distilled water
  • ½ cup witch hazel
  • 3 tsp. mild Castille soap
  • 1 tsp. coconut oil
  • 5-7 drops Lavender essential oil
  • Pint Mason jar
    Homemade Makeup Brush Cleaner

  • Combine water, witch hazel, castile soap, and coconut oil in a Mason jar.
  • Add Lavender essential oil to your desired scent strength.

To use:

  1. Shake the homemade makeup brush cleaner well before each use.Place the lid on the jar and shake well to combine ingredients.
  2.  Pour a small amount into a bowl and swish brush around in the mixture.
  3. Allow brush to soak in homemade makeup brush cleaner for 1 minute.

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